Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Blogs, Online Diary's or Tripe Central or A Little of Both With A Twist

Traditionally if people wanted there personal thoughts known to all they would have to do something hard. For example they could write something on a type writer or on papyrus or something else ancient, Make several copies and do a mass direct mail to everybody in the world. You could also try publishing a book of everything that went through your head and then give the books away by doing a mass direct mail to everybody in the world. Finally you could try to get on 60 Minutes.

Great news though. Now people have easy access to blogs like this one to post every idiot thought that comes into their head and everybody in the world can read it. It's truly a marvel of the modern world. I can get onto the internet and read about the personal problems of someone I will never meet, or get insight on what is happening in a small rural town that should be burned down for safety reasons, and finally I can read, or try to read, incoherent babble that 90% of blogers write. It's great, probably the biggest time waster invented since T.V. It's a testament to the fact that most of America is bored and looking for anything to pass the time. Even if it involves trying to write.


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