Thursday, August 25, 2005

Matt's Post

Now a lot of you are asking. What did Matt post? And why is there no link to it? Well I'll tell you why. It's vulger an not for the faint of heart. So as a public service to all of my PG readers I present Matt's post, edited for content.

dear livejournal,

you know those 'behind the scenes' clips they put on dvds --- -- -- --- -- ------- --- -----? well consider this your 'behind the scenes' for my new job at dr. bott. first of all, my work colleague MICHAEL PETERSON has a blog now. --- he goes by the name of yetep. let me reiterate. mike peterson writes under the guise, yetep. ---- --- ----? is that -------- -- -- 'petey' backwards- -- that some old college nickname-

----------, peterson: YOU'RE -- IN COLLEGE -------. welcome to the real world, you ----- ----- school ---- monkey -----. ------ likes nicknames --------. real ------.

behind the scenes reveal #1: yetep at blogspot is really mike peterson - my ----- ----- *-----* supervisor who does more ----------/------ --------/---- ----/---- ------- -- work than ------ ----. --- (---------- ---------- -------) --------- ------ --- I ------ YOUR SISTER ---- ----- ----- ---- - ------- ---, MIKE.

second, have you ever wondered what exactly was on the hands of the ------ ----- guy that assembled your iPod case?
behind the scenes reveal #2: IT'S NOT A ------ ----- GUY, IT'S A ---------, ------- HIGHSCHOOL ----- WITH BRACES. and --- got ----- on his fingers from ------- his football -----, that or some of that ------ cheese ---- that covers your fingers after you eat half a bag of -------. he must've finished off that bag of ------ right after he finished calling the poor, -------, defenseless young ---- in assembly a -----, and shoved a -------- -------- in her face while making ---- --- ----- and pretending to not be a ------. this actually happened today.

so if you're cruising the net this week, looking for awesome, authentic blogs... ---- ------. and if you notice something ----- growing on your ---- case... send it back. that way ----- can make me clean it off with some goo gone while he ----- his ----.--- ------ and tries the third eye blind challenge (---------) in the -------. plus, i can get you a better one for cheaper.

also, i did it with yetep-- ------.

-Yetep the Dominator

1 comment:


You sure told him off Matt. Way to go. You and I together with take down the mighty Yetep.