Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Jari Hates My CD

Alright; it's time to get the word out there. Jari (if that really how you spell his name) does not like my new Christmas album at all. Now honestly that's not even a valid opinion. I'm all about people having their own opinions and ideas and stuff, but when those "ideas" and "opinions" don't match up with what I believe there will be trouble. Serious trouble. The kind of trouble that you have to use a cream on. The kind of trouble that involves a badger and fish oil. I think you get what I'm getting at.

Now I guess that Jari took offence to one song in particular. Yes, believe it or not, I'm talking about "California Funerals". The main premise of this song is that California and funerals obviously suck. It's not that hard to figure out. Apparently Jari was actually arguing with me while I was singing. Apparently he like's California. That obviously implies that he like's funerals too. Now tell me, what kind of sick, twisted person likes funerals. He probably just goes funeral crashing on the weekends for kicks. Come on Jari, get some help and learn to enjoy my cd.

-Yetep the Dominator

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